A Deeper Look Into This Tarot Card

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands tarot card represents expansion, growth, and exploration. It suggests that the querent may be feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation about their future, and that they may be feeling eager to explore new opportunities and ventures. The image on the card often depicts a person standing on a hilltop, looking out over a vast horizon, symbolizing the idea of exploration and growth.

The Three of Wands can also indicate that the querent may be feeling confident and optimistic about their future, and that they may be feeling a sense of determination and ambition. It can suggest that they may be ready to take risks and pursue their goals and dreams, and that they may be feeling optimistic and positive about their prospects. Additionally, the card can indicate that the querent may be feeling a sense of growth and expansion in their life, and that they may be exploring new opportunities and possibilities.

In a reading, the Three of Wands can indicate that the querent may be feeling excited and optimistic about their future, and that they may be eager to pursue new opportunities and ventures. It can serve as a reminder to embrace their ambition, determination, and positive outlook, and to focus on exploring new possibilities and opportunities. The card can also suggest that the querent may need to take a step back and evaluate their future plans, and to make sure that they are aligned with their goals and aspirations.

Historical Reference

Go back in time to what the creators of the deck had to say about it.

A calm, stately personage, with his back turned, looking from a cliff’s edge at ships passing over the sea. Three staves are planted in the ground, and he leans slightly on one of them. Divinatory Meanings: He symbolizes established strength, enterprise, effort, trade, commerce, discovery; those are his ships, bearing his merchandise, which are sailing over the sea. The card also signifies able co-operation in business, as if the successful merchant prince were looking from his side towards yours with a view to help you. Reversed: The end of troubles, suspension or cessation of adversity, toil and disappointment.

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