A Deeper Look Into This Tarot Card

The Hierophant

The Hierophant tarot card represents tradition, religion, spirituality, and guidance. The card depicts a figure in religious robes sitting on a throne and holding a staff, symbolizing his position as a spiritual leader.

The Hierophant card suggests that the querent is seeking guidance, stability, and tradition in their life. It can indicate that the querent is looking for a spiritual path or is seeking answers to their questions about spirituality and religion. The card can also suggest that the querent is looking for a mentor or a teacher who can help them find their way.

In a reading, the Hierophant tarot card can indicate that the querent is seeking guidance and stability in their life. It can suggest that the querent is looking for a spiritual path or is seeking answers to questions about spirituality and religion. The Hierophant card can also be a reminder to the querent to seek guidance from trusted sources and to stay true to their beliefs. The card can also suggest that the querent is in a good position to provide guidance and support to others who are seeking answers.

Historical Reference

Go back in time to what the creators of the deck had to say about it.

He wears the triple crown and is seated between two pillars, but they are not those of the Temple which is guarded by the High Priestess. In his left hand he holds a sceptre terminating in the triple cross, and with his right hand he gives the well-known ecclesiastical sign which is called that of esotericism, distinguishing between the manifest and concealed part of doctrine. It is noticeable in this connexion that the High Priestess makes no sign. At his feet are the crossed keys, and two priestly ministers in albs kneel before him. He has been usually called the Pope, which is a particular application of the more general office that he symbolizes. He is the ruling power of external religion, as the High Priestess is the prevailing genius of the esoteric, withdrawn power. The proper meanings of this card have suffered woeful admixture from nearly all hands. Grand Orient says truly that the Hierophant is the power of the keys, exoteric orthodox doctrine, and the outer side of the life which leads to the doctrine; but he is certainly not the prince of occult doctrine, as another commentator has suggested.

He is rather the summa totius theologiæ, when it has passed into the utmost rigidity of expression; but he symbolizes also all things that are righteous and sacred on the manifest side. As such, he is the channel of grace belonging to the world of institution as distinct from that of Nature, and he is the leader of salvation for the human race at large. He is the order and the head of the recognized hierarchy, which is the reflection of another and greater hierarchic order; but it may so happen that the pontiff forgets the significance of this his symbolic state and acts as if he contained within his proper measures all that his sign signifies or his symbol seeks to shew forth. He is not, as it has been thought, philosophy-except on the theological side; he is not inspiration; and he is not religion, although he is a mode of its expression.

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