A Deeper Look Into This Tarot Card

The Chariot

The Chariot tarot card represents determination, control, and movement forward. The card depicts a figure in a chariot being pulled by two horses, one black and one white, symbolizing the balance between the conscious and unconscious mind.

The Chariot card suggests that the querent is in control of their own life and is moving forward with determination. It can indicate that the querent is able to balance their opposing forces and use their strength to achieve their goals. The card can also suggest that the querent is in a position of power and is able to command their own destiny.

In a reading, the Chariot tarot card can indicate that the querent is feeling confident and in control of their own life. It can suggest that the querent has the determination to overcome any obstacles and to achieve their goals. The Chariot card can also indicate that the querent is in a position of power and is able to command their own destiny. The card can be a reminder to the querent to stay focused, remain determined, and to use their strength and power to move forward in life.

Historical Reference

Go back in time to what the creators of the deck had to say about it.

An erect and princely figure carrying a drawn sword and corresponding, broadly speaking, to the traditional description which I have given in the first part. On the shoulders of the victorious hero are supposed to be the Urim and Thummim. He has led captivity captive; he is conquest on all planes–in the mind, in science, in progress, in certain trials of initiation. He has thus replied to the sphinx, and it is on this account that I have accepted the variation of Éliphas Lévi; two sphinxes thus draw his chariot. He is above all things triumph in the mind.

It is to be understood for this reason (a) that the question of the sphinx is concerned with a Mystery of Nature and not of the world of Grace, to which the charioteer could offer no answer; (b) that the planes of his conquest are manifest or external and not within himself; (c) that the liberation which he effects may leave himself in the bondage of the logical understanding; (d) that the tests of initiation through which he has passed in triumph are to be understood physically or rationally; and (e) that if he came to the pillars of that Temple between which the High Priestess is seated, he could not open the scroll called Tora, nor if she questioned him could he answer. He is not hereditary royalty and he is not priesthood.

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