A Deeper Look Into This Tarot Card

Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands tarot card represents burden, responsibility, and overburden. It suggests that the querent may be feeling overwhelmed and burdened by responsibilities and obligations. The image on the card often depicts a person carrying a heavy load of wands, symbolizing the idea of feeling weighed down by responsibilities.

The Ten of Wands can also indicate that the querent may be feeling overworked and exhausted, and that they may be struggling to balance their responsibilities and priorities. It can suggest that they may be feeling burdened by the demands and expectations of others, and that they may be feeling like they have taken on too much. Additionally, the card can indicate that the querent may be feeling resentful or frustrated with the demands and expectations placed upon them.

In a reading, the Ten of Wands can indicate that the querent may be feeling overwhelmed and burdened by responsibilities and obligations. It can serve as a reminder to reassess their priorities and make sure that they are not taking on too much, and to seek support from others when needed. The card can also suggest that the querent may need to address any feelings of resentment or frustration that may be impacting their relationships or daily life.

Historical Reference

Go back in time to what the creators of the deck had to say about it.

A man oppressed by the weight of the ten staves which he is carrying. Divinatory Meanings: A card of many significances, and some of the readings cannot be harmonized. I set aside that which connects it with honor and good faith. The chief meaning is oppression simply, but it is also fortune, gain, any kind of success, and then it is the oppression of these things. It is also a card of false-seeming, disguise, perfidy. The place which the figure is approaching may suffer from the rods that he carries. Success is stultified if the Nine of Swords follows, and if it is a question of a lawsuit, there will be certain loss. Reversed: Contrarieties, difficulties, intrigues, and their analogies.

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