A Deeper Look Into This Tarot Card


The Justice tarot card represents fairness, balance, and a sense of justice and truth. It often depicts a woman holding a sword in one hand and a scale in the other, symbolizing the need to weigh the pros and cons of a situation and make a fair and balanced decision. The card suggests that the querent is seeking balance and fairness in their life, and that they are striving to do what is right and just.

The Justice card can also indicate that the querent is experiencing a sense of closure, and that they are coming to terms with past decisions and experiences. It can suggest that they are resolving conflicts and finding a sense of peace and stability in their life. Additionally, the card can indicate that the querent may be facing a difficult decision, and that they are seeking guidance and clarity to make the right choice.

In a reading, the Justice tarot card can indicate that the querent is seeking balance and fairness in their life, and that they are striving to do what is right and just. It can serve as a reminder to make decisions that are fair and balanced, and to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. The card can also suggest that the querent may be facing a difficult decision, and that they are seeking guidance and clarity to make the right choice.

Historical Reference

Go back in time to what the creators of the deck had to say about it.

As this card follows the traditional symbolism and carries above all its obvious meanings, there is little to say regarding it outside the few considerations collected in the first part, to which the reader is referred.

It will be seen, however, that the figure is seated between pillars, like the High Priestess, and on this account it seems desirable to indicate that the moral principle which deals unto every man according to his works–while, of course, it is in strict analogy with higher things;–differs in its essence from the spiritual justice which is involved in the idea of election. The latter belongs to a mysterious order of Providence, in virtue of which it is possible for certain men to conceive the idea of dedication to the highest things. The operation of this is like the breathing of the Spirit where it wills, and we have no canon of criticism or ground of explanation concerning it. It is analogous to the possession of the fairy gifts and the high gifts and the gracious gifts of the poet: we have them or have not, and their presence is as much a mystery as their absence. The law of Justice is not however involved by either alternative. In conclusion, the pillars of Justice open into one world and the pillars of the High Priestess into another.

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